Susi Store S.R.L. in this site offers a service exclusively for the final consumer, that is, a natural person who buys for personal purposes and not connected to their own professional activity. Therefore, Susi Store S.R.L. reserves the right not to process orders from subjects other than the final consumer or orders that do not comply with these conditions.
You must be at least 16 years old to make purchases on this site or, if you have less than 16 years old, you declare to have the rights to give your data by a parent or a tutor, as referring to the art. 8 of REG 2016/679 GDPR. The receipt of the order determines the conclusion of the contract. Susi Store S.R.L. undertakes to send the customer the ordered products, according to the terms and conditions contemplated but reserves the right not to process orders to people who do not have sufficient guarantees of solvency or who are not final consumers. Or if, for any reason, the ordered product is unavailable for sale.
For anything not expressly regulated in these General Conditions, please refer to the provisions of Legislative Decree 22 May 1999, n.185 and applicable regulations of the Civil Code.
On this site you can only buy items already available in stock: customers cannot order items that are not already available. Therefore, the order that contains an item, which has become unavailable in the meantime, even for a technical error, will be cancelled.
The order must be paid via Paypal at the time the order is closed or within 12 hours of receipt of the order confirmation email. At the end of the 12 hours, the order will be deleted.
In case of payment by credit card, the information relating to the transaction (card number, expiry date, security code) will be sent to the entity responsible for processing, using an encrypted protocol. No one else can, in any way, have access to it. This information will never be displayed or stored by Susi Store S.R.L..
The products sold and the manufacturer brands are carefully selected for their rigorous quality control standards. However, Susi Store S.R.L. is not responsible if, due to a particular configuration of your computer or due to a malfunction, the colours of the products photographed or the characteristics displayed and described on the site may differ from the original ones.
The photographic material on the Susi.it website is owned by Susi Store S.R.L and is forbidden to reuse in any online or offline channel
To avoid any misunderstanding, the original Terms are those in Italian language.